Monday, September 21, 2009

Inspired by Allison Case and Polyphonic Spree

I'm a firm believer in now. I mean, what could be better than this? As horrible as it is. "Follow the day and reach for the sun." I'm a big fan of what's to come as well. I like nature. You know when you have one of those days where you just lay out in the grass and pick flowers and the sun is warm and you're comfortable and free. That's my kind of day. And people, yes I like people a lot. I mean, animals are nice too. And music, I like music a lot. I think it communicates better than words or anything. I can't say what I'm feeling but just listen to a couple of my favorite songs and maybe you'll get it. I make playlists almost every day so at any time I can look back to an old playlist and see how I was feeling in that moment. I like art too. Expression is so big for me. But I don't necessarily like traditional art, I like anything that allows feeling. And I like intelligent discussion and I try to be intelligent so I can take part in as many intelligent discussions as possible. English class is pretty good for that. Sometimes history too, but not as often. And I like God. But I think he's short. And he's put up there as this almighty power and I mean, he's got a pretty good plan, he's organized, but he's flawed. Ever thought of that? Maybe that's why there are these wars. Maybe God's doing the best he can but he's flawed just like the rest of us because he can't be everyone's golden boy so he messes up sometimes. I like helping people. I do that a lot.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Phantom of the Opera Tickets!

Hey, so this is a pretty sweet deal! Free Phantom of the Opera tickets and diner in NYC? Yes please!